Rosita MAGLIE, Annarita TARONNA, Intercultural dialogue-driven change in primary teacher education: From theory to practice

Abstract: Based on our experience of teaching English to undergraduate students in Primary Education at the University of Bari, this paper aims to explore PPETs’ understanding of the use of such authentic material as fiction, non-fiction, folktales, fairy tales which can lead teachers in general to deconstruct most of the stereotypes on major vs  minor ethnic groups, white vs black people(s) that have frequently been passed down from generation to generation as a result of ignorance and misunderstanding. Specifically, we propose a wider range of options based on the importance of using literature in the classroom – that portrays a variety of cultures, themes and views – as one of the most powerful didactic strategies to shape good practices in teaching English for primary school children.

To cite the article: MAGLIE, Rosita, TARONNA, Annarita, “Intercultural dialogue-driven change in primary teacher education: From theory to practice”. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies and Environmental Communication 1.1 (2014): 107-123.

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