Ortansa Nina CONSTANTINESCU FRANŢESCU, Étude longitudinale de la mise en page dans les manuels roumains de FLE (1930 -2018). Critères de constitution et de délimitation du corpus

Abstract: Our research focuses on the analysis of the role of the paratextual in Romanian French as a Foreign Language textbooks. The aim of our work is, on the one  and, to identify the elements of the paratext used by the editors in the architecture of the manual pages of our corpus and, on the other hand, to identify their role in the complex process of the layout. The starting questions for our analysis were: What is the paratext? How does the strategy of the editorial use of the paratext work? How is it constructed by different speakers on the issue, on one side, and the different audiences that make up the readership, on the other? Does the textbook become attractive and useful for the student and the teacher through the paratext? For this we have compiled a corpus of 18 Romanian French as a Foreign Language textbooks, 9 edited before 1990 and 9 after 1990.

Keywords: paratextual, Romanian French as a Foreign Language textbooks, layout, editorial strategy

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